Thursday, May 24, 2007

God & Try Part 2

Well it's almost the end of the month so I figure I better get this blog in before it's over! God Bless all of you as I hope you are doing well!

Last month we talked about the first part of the phrase that I like to use "God & Try" This week I am going to talk about the second part of this phrase which is "Try"

When I see the word "Try" I think of doing something that you are scared of, for the first time. I think back when I was a little kid and I was scared to meet new people or make new friends. I remember the words my mom and dad would always tell me when they would try to get me to go meet them. They would say, "Now Phillip Lee Krueger it doesn't hurt to give it a try!" Looking back, I think my parents were just trying to get rid of me holding on to their leg and cowering in fear because I was scared to meet these strange and weird people. As always my parents were right I met these new people, got to know them, and had fun playing with them.

Think about your life for a second. What things are you scared to do. Our world is full of fear. The devil throws things at us constantly. But God calls us to not live in fear when he says:

"For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." -Isaiah 41:13

So what does "Try" mean in our phrase. It means do not live in fear! It means conquer each day as if it were your last! It means don't let silly things get you down or angry! It means have the joy of the Lord in your life! It means Let Your light shine before everyone! It means don't give up! It means press on towards that goal! It means LIVE! I believe that's what God wants from his people. That is why we are put on this earth.

Know this, we only have a short time here. Some of us could be gone in the next second. What will you do with the time God has given you. Will you let it frit away. Will you become chafe in the wind. Or will You TRY to do what God has called all of us to do with our lives. LIVE and be an example of Jesus Christ to this world. AMEN!

God Bless you all and thanks for reading. Until next month remember these two words: "God and Try"

Pastor Phil

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